CIMB Chinese New Year

A period fable - shot in the rich, vivid quality of a classic motion picture film while injecting charm, wit and fun back to New Year festive ads - explaining that what's important is not where or how the dish was invented, but that it brings us all together in celebration.

Kancil Awards - Bronze

Malaysian families have become obsessed with having the “perfect” Chinese New Year celebration. Everything has to be just so, primary to impress others on The Gram. This has led to a disconnect between family members and guest who spend more time focusing on how to celebrate, than actually enjoying each other’s company.

In the uniquely Malayan tradition of Yee Sang, the best celebration is usually the messiest “least” perfect one.

“The. best celebration aren’t done perfectly, but ones done together”. Told through a Yee Sang origin fable film and
an interactive game.

The Game

The "You-Sang, We-Sang" campaign features a mobile game that encourages togetherness with a Yee Sang tossing game, where users can invite friends to play along and stand a chance at winning e-Vouchers. Apart from the games, different Yee Sang art pieces are displayed throughout this festive period on CIMB social media pages.

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The Game Instruction

The Social Post

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Dare To Dream Campaign


Pernod Ricard - Whiskies of the World