Apple fox
The brief in a snapshot is to build a desirable brand personality that disrupts Somersby’s Cider codes in
the market by inspiring the Mischievous Rascals’ fun & cheeky side to bring out their inner fox.
We landed on Apple Fox being the Provocateur of Fun.
The way to the fox - How the personality of Apple Fox leads to awareness and trials
The Fox being the centre of attention, requires that ‘social’ be as social as he is.
That being the case, Apple fox social serves to spread the fox’s mission of fun and teases Malaysians to his Fox Dens.
Instagram is where the Fox hosts viewers on an interactive journey into
what makes Apple Fox so fun. Every tile, giving a different foxy surprise to enjoy.
And find Promos & Deals given by the Fox.
The Fox’s naughty streak extends to social, where he may or may not steal an apple or two.
Take an immersive sneak peek at the Fox’s secret, underground apple storehouse and
learn what goes into every bottle of Apple Fox cider.
And find Promos & Deals given by the Fox
When the Fox talks about an Apple Fox deal, he makes
it sound so cheekily good you can’t resist it.
Follow the fox through animated carousel ads that tease viewers to find out the location
of weekly Fox Den events.
Fox appear in person on social media to communicate his missions to get malaysians started on their quest to find and attend the week’s Fox Den event.
Follow the fox, learn his clues, and find the location of a Fox Den
event through animated photo collage on social.
The Fox doesn’t have a sense of direction. But it knows how to get you to tonight’s big party.
This premium comes with a special map of the city that together leads you to the best Fox Dens.
The Fox’s point-of-sale-bars (POSB)
When the Fox does a POSM, everything is more than it seems.
(Best-in-class becomes The-best-is-inside)
Hidden inside the usual passive display shelves lie hidden Apple Fox bars complete with a bartender. Giving shoppers a whimsical taste of Apple Fox fun and a chance to drive trials and promo deals.
The Fox’s POSM materials tempt shoppers to give in to their fun, naughty side by taking a peek through the Fox’s eyes to learn about deals and what goes into every bottle of Apple Fox.
Or be tempted to grab a cheeky bottle or two at a great deal knowing they
won’t get caught.
Who will help him spread the fun?
Internal Brand Experience
A special Fox Key unlocks fun surprises and the craziest of sights.